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Name: FUzzy Lipicious
Home: Singapore
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  Friday, October 17, 2008  
i need sum kinda place for ranting,rambing n bebel-ing..having a blog ...of course theres pros n cons...but hey everitink cums with consequences ...nohting cums free n perfect..hahaks...i was supoosed to study BUT i felt so tired ...my brain cells not functioning ...it needs to rest for god sake...so here i am BLOGGING....im going to jog tmrw...hey mi mission now is to stay fit n toned...how i envy those fitness model posing wiht their toned bodies ,perky tite butt n great ABS....im sure gona hav dat man ...by nxt year...by hook or by crook....my upper arm seem to be toned...buti tink i have to do some FLYERs to burn sum fats there ...yucks....n d most hardest part is the freaking abs.......................dat has to cum with clean diet ,sum abs strengthening n cardio...n walah i will get those marvellous abs...oh man ....
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 7:40 AM   0 comments
  Thursday, October 09, 2008  
The end of Ramadhan n the beginning of hari raya
ramadhan mth has ended ppl ...n hari raya is here..to all muslims,selamat hari raya...as for me, i feel kinda sad to leave d mth of ramadhan cos its the mth where u will acquire double or triple d "pahalas"...d days where i got to wake up in the morning with my messy hair like pprempuan giler n eat sahur..ahaks..i totally will miss the tym spent eating 2gether for break fast as a whole family ...cos next year it will be without my big sister..she will be married n eventually not staying with us..it will be totally different being without her ..its as if sth is missing..itsa like d prata n curry..wothut the curry ,the prata will be tasteless ..not really UMMPH !..being a werking women now, i felt that tym really passed very fast...hmph well i can say as fast as the speed of light 3x10^8 .hahaks ..pejam pelik pejam pelik to mi suprise,september is gone...n a new mth comes...oh yeah october,i hope for sth more thrilling n exciting than the previous mth ....i will be expected a lot of marriage invitations ..cos many of my friends are getting married next year...how time really flies..but yeah sth to assure u guys dat mine will not be next year...mebe i will settle wen its time..but DEFINITELY not next year..insyaallah d cuming more years..hahaks.
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 2:17 PM   0 comments
  Monday, September 22, 2008  

it has been quite a while I din actually blog...all tanx to my hectic life.....hahakz...despite the fact that im freaking bz, managed to met up with old bunch of primary skool frens for iftar @ fig n olive,vivo city....itsa been ages,man ...hahaks...unexpected reunion....i must sae that the plan went really well...almost everyone we know turned up....semua da besar besar n some hu dont turn out seemed to be married already...well life changes...i could still recall the moments where we actually play kejar kejar during primary skul days...all the foolish stuff we did...n yah ,now it it seems so hard to register in my bloody ,slimy brain dat everione has grown up ....hehe..........if only i could pause time...i would love to be sweet 17 again....n forever be sweet 17.....
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 10:33 PM   0 comments
  Saturday, September 08, 2007  
To my special dude who brightens up my hol life,"Happy Birdae"
itsa khai birdae......hes turning old....hahahha....well yah hes older than me....n im still the youngest...hehe......young with maturity...HA HA.....anw hapi birdae to mi BOY......hope u like the assorted brownies....hope u loyke mi the advanced birdae gift....WII nintendo...yipeee,i noe u do!!!!anw i still lurve the chewy fudgy....the expresso brownie tastes nice too.....not much stuff do that dae...cos i was having this damn adnminal viral infections.....noisy stomach,irregular bowels...darn..i hate the feeling....bt i tried all my best,all the remaining strentgh i had to celebrate with you dear..hahaha.....yah we had a hell of excitement n fun celebrating at the al majlis arabish restaurant....yah the place AGAIN...hmph....was considering mediterranean restaurant but gosh,it was closed.....ngaruts...sa semangat2 se....but still i guess the food mite taste similar....as long as it fills our empty stomach,im fine with it....n as dear is fine with it,i had not much to say......last but not least,i wana end this post by wishing ya again dear "Happy Birdae!" may Allah blesses u and us...hehe..........................
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 6:41 AM  
  Monday, August 27, 2007  
My Eye on Malaysia
Back from KL...arrgh...how i wish tym is frozen n i wldnt have to go back to spore n continue with all the mundane stuff....arrrgh.........how i wish i would be in honolulu hawaii now ith khai...enjoying the beach and environment....but oh hell,gt to awake fron tis not-lasting dream of mine...but hey hey,i did have very adventurous trip to kl.....leme tell u wats in my bus..theres personal tv and whole loads of movie u cn watch....awesome...i didnt know dat...all i noe is dat itsa a super 26 VIP coach...n bout the personal tv,i swear i noe nuts bout it...hahaha...but i love it...itsa so perfect...sometimes ,we need to be pampered with all these stuff...heee ...From the tym we check in the hotel,we have always been outdoor...hehe...and well a good thing that is,that week is the ARAB-festive week...many arabs ard,many many arabs food,many many arabs smoking shee-shay...hahaha......i love arab food!heres the list of things i did there!!!!
Day1-checked in and we ate our lunch first at berjaya times square....
-went down to petaling street,pasar rakyat,sungai wang n some bazaar along sungai wang ns ome other shopping centres..cnt remember the names....hahahha..the placeswere fllooded ,ma...flooded with ppl and bargains...managed to get a counterfeit GUCCI bag for more than half the price....it looks real .no kidding...
day2-eat our luxurious breakfast at apple restaurant
-went KLCC,bt the tix were sold out...haiyh...so we jus took some of te shots in front of klcc.,hur hur
-then,we proceeded to putrajaya to ride the gondola on water..."the eye on msia"....well,itsa like huge ferris wheel ...n u cn see msis's view from there....fun...oh yeay i did have lotsa fun.tot of going masjid india...too bad ,it was kinda a hot day...i prefer to be in an air conditioned place...haha....so we head back to berjaya times square
by evening,we were out again hunting for food....so tempted to eat arab food....we found one across sungai wang hidden along the alley....n on mi GOD!itsa superb...i cn still taste the beef juice in mi mouth..so sedap..........next,to pass the tym,we went out shee-shaying with the arabs..haha...b4 going for our latenite moive...hehe.........khai i ordered apple mint bits....k oh hel,duno wats that....bt it tastes nice....at 12 am,we went 4 our "evan almighty" movie
day3:kinda sad this is the last dae...so we just went ard,shoppin for mooncake nshopping 4 food n shirt b4 we got back

theres nothing more i cn say.i enjoy the trip.i miss kl.i miss the fun.i miss everything!
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 5:54 AM   0 comments
  Friday, August 10, 2007  
Catchin up with the old tym...perfecto!
went out with my nutty gems to town 2dae....after all the brain squashing wrecking exams...hahaha.finally i cn settle down now witha peace of mind..wahaha...cant wait for the trip dis fridae ...itsa d last of my 3rd year 1st semester.....another 1 more semester 2 go....n hey im outta of skool...khekhe.....congrats nisa!!!finally u gtd job u wanted...a web developer @ pixelage.ltd.im so proud of u......da gaji,blanjer k..khekhe...im so looking forward to next year...we will all be werking n have sum cash to spend on...should try out the spa,massage,splurging on all the designer clothing that we r dying to buy bt can afford now...maklumlarr...blum keje...hehe.....hmmph i cnt wait ....n congrats to yati also!!!!bless u n azim....may ur jodoh kekal foreva.......she really look damn gorgeous....the hantaran really caught mi ttention....guess wat she for azim!!PSP,DKNY watch and perfume n all the cadbury chos...yummy yummy....to be cont....
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 8:33 AM   0 comments
  Thursday, July 26, 2007  
Counting the days to the end of exam.
Im eager..totally excited....heart thumping very fast as each days passed...i cnt wait to go KL!!!!well itsa like an another trip to KL ...but hey this tym ard im gonna look for more fun n exprience...im going take the 5 star hotel n enjoy the luxurious accomodation in which of course i cnt afford to ,in Singapore..so it kinda like one tym experience..n it will take eons for me to travel again...arrrghhhhhh.......i presume this trip gona be whole loads of fun.i mean it.ha-ha.
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 12:12 PM   0 comments
Degree Conversion
haiz...i need to go degree conversion talk at KKH this coming Thursdae...We have decided to pursue Deg with Honours from Southbank Uni,London...in so eager....woohooo..alas...so till then,ciaoz.
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 12:09 PM   0 comments
The tym we unwind ourselves n have TEH TARIK
managed to catch up wit my nutty gems at al azhar .....i apologise for being late n im promise not to do it again gurls*fingers twisted*...khekhe....very kecoh n itsa so unsangkarable dat thesegurls actually tok to the mamaks while waiting for me...suker lar tu bebual ngan mamak?..hahahaha..............went there with khai...n alif was there...he is totally nutcase same as fina...khekhe.sajak la 2.......jgn marah.itsa so kecoh even though theres jus 5 of us...itsa equivelant with 10 ppl....goodness....everione had teh tarik...well,i noticed sth .....theres some kind of connection between teh tarik n us...everitym we met,we will always order teh tarik...itsa like or trademark se...ahaha....giler ak pompuans!!!!should go out again..i wanna drink iced teh chino!!!!
posted by FUzzy Lipicious @ 11:56 AM   0 comments